Environmental Responsibility
Our commitment
This precious planet we call home is in trouble. At a time when our political institutions have failed to deliver sustainable solutions to curb our detrimental influence on the world around us, it’s down to individuals and businesses to create the positive change necessary to promote our planet's well-being. Now, more than ever, this improbable oasis Earth depends on our responsible stewardship. As a company that depends on natural resources, we recognize our impact on the environment and feel a responsibility to take action. This is why we’ve committed to supporting conservation efforts in any way possible. C. Cockrum is dedicated to the use of sustainable foresters and donates 15% of all profits to support NGO’s in the following endeavors:
Finding solutions to and mitigate climate change
Protecting critical land and marine habitat
Protecting threatened and endangered plants and animals
Supporting local, organic and sustainable agriculture
Who we support
Giraffe Conservation Foundation
The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust